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John Krull: All aboard the exodus express


Indiana is going to be a busy place this spring, summer and fall.

Niki Kelly: Higher education bills have significant ramifications


Lawmakers are throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks in their quest to educate more Hoosiers — whether through job training or traditional college.

Norman Knight: First snow inspection


The first real snow of the season came last week. I looked out the window and immediately received the message; time to bundle up and get to work on the first snow inspection of the year.

Ryan Trares: Ice Age education


As an Arctic chill settled over central Indiana, it felt appropriate to be staring up at the great curved tusks of a woolly mammoth.

David Carlson: The power of memory


Several years ago, I was invited to speak at a conference center in southern Wisconsin on interfaith relations. It wasn’t until I looked at the conference brochure that I realized that I’d be returning to a place where I’d spent summers as a boy.

Brian Howey: Believe your own eyes on Jan. 6 insurrection


U.S. Rep. Victoria Spartz kicked off the Indiana Republican exodus from Congress about a year ago, and this first week of 2024 she has been joined by Greg Pence and Larry Bucshon in heading for the exits. It comes as the legal and political fallout from the Jan. 6, 2021, U.S. Capitol insurrection continues.