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David Carlson: We are all caretakers


In the writing workshops that I offer, I begin by sharing with participants what we all have in common. We are all caretakers of stories that will never be known unless we tell them. This is true whether we are talking about non-fiction, fiction, poetry, plays or song.

Lee Hamilton: Finding the common good requires compromise


Making decisions about public policy is no simple task. It requires balancing interests, exercising our values and making choices among competing ideas. When we vote, should we favor candidates who will cut taxes or those who will improve services? Should we support a strong American presence in the world or keep our focus on domestic issues? The answers aren’t easy.

Mark Franke: Holiday post office woes


Since Christmas is always a busy time of year for our mail system, I spent some time reflecting on the changes that the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) has undergone during my lifetime. Forever stamps has to be the best idea the Post Office has implemented, although one wonders why it took so long to figure that one out. USPS also deserves credit for its Informed “Deliver” software which not only tells you what will be delivered today but also any packages working their way to your home.

Michael Hicks: What does new GDP data tell us about the Hoosier economy?


The U.S. Department of Commerce is reviewing the National Income Accounts, which measure the size and composition of our economy. This process is undertaken every few years, as better measurement tools are available. Right now, the data only extends back to 2017, but it tells a few interesting stories about the Hoosier economy.

Editorial: NexusPark an achievement worth celebrating


The (Columbus) Republic

John Krull: Think of them as rapid-fire Mother Teresas


Thank goodness we have the National Rifle Association and the firearms industry to guide us and write our gun laws.