Home Opinion Page 39


Editorial: Biden endangers U.S. troops


The Wall Street Journal

Michael Hicks: Post-high school education is path to middle-class life


I’ve been married now for a bit more than half of my life. One thing I’ve learned is that when my wife says I’m explaining something poorly, she’s probably right. Last week she suggested I do a better job of explaining what I mean about the rising demand for college-educated workers, and what if means for students, parents and state policymakers.

Editorial: Better dementia training can’t wait


The Washington Post

John Krull: Better for the Supreme Court to be right than fast


The U.S. Supreme Court made the right call.

Lee Hamilton: Kissinger left complex foreign policy legacy


Possibly no one had more influence on American foreign policy in the late 20th century than Henry Kissinger, who died last month at age 100. In his long and active career, he advised presidents, carried out policies and initiatives, and was a highly visible figure around the world.

Norman Knight: Doggie New Year


It has been hectic around here. My dog sense has been tingling for a while now telling me my humans are feeling the pressures of the holiday season.

Ryan Trares: Happy holiday baby


The lights have dimmed, the gifts have been opened and the holiday music has been packed away.

Abdul-Hakim Shabazz: Primary thoughts


You know, I thought I was done with 2023.

David Carlson: It’s about time


After church services a week ago, a friend stopped me and asked, “Is it just me, or does it seem that time is speeding up?” Without a second thought, I agreed.