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Chris Daley: Free speech is why it’s important adult Hoosiers can access Pornhub


During my second week as the new executive director of the ACLU of Indiana, I found myself in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee testifying against Senate Bill 17, an online age verification bill supporters claim is aimed at preventing minors from accessing pornography.

Zia Saylor: Celebrating the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act


The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) went into effect one year ago on June 27, protecting pregnant and postpartum workers by allowing them access to reasonable accommodations within the workplace. This is an anniversary worth celebrating!

Michael Hicks: Silly tax cut proposals


We are well into election season, so we are bombarded with talk of slashing taxes. Nearly all of this is electioneering nonsense that won’t come to pass.

John Krull: Not a great night for America


Both Joe Biden and Donald Trump had difficult and important work to do when they stepped before the cameras in Atlanta for the first presidential debate of this election year.

Niki Kelly: Big month for FSSA has real life consequences


The Family and Social Services Administration (FSSA) is arguably the most important agency in state government. And it is crucial that they get upcoming July changes right.

Norman Knight: A day at the theater


The long drive up I-65 north and then around the east side of I-465 to Allisonville Road was not as hectic as it sometimes can be — maybe because it was Saturday afternoon or maybe because a section of the eternal interstate road work was recently completed. Or perhaps it was because we had other things on our minds.

Ryan Trares: Paying respects to the ‘Mayor’


I liked to call him the Mayor of Kope Kon Pointe.

David Carlson: On the road to the center


I was saddened to hear about the 1,300 Muslim pilgrims who died while on the Hajj in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, because of the heat, but I was not completely surprised.

Mark Franke: The violently selfish campus


“People talk about the divide in this country as though we were standing on opposite sides of a chasm. When the reality is that we are standing over the chasm, as if on a bridge. You’re never going to get everyone to cross to one side or the other. Some people can’t accept that. If they can’t get everyone to their side, they’d rather blow up the bridge.”

Brian Howey: Will Beckwith be a Braun team player or a wild card?


After his second unsuccessful congressional run, Mike Pence launched his radio and TV shows where he and his bipartisan guests weighed in on the issues of the day throughout the 1990s.