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Niki Kelly: Status-quo session: A history of the short session


When the General Assembly returns January 8, it is clear nothing about the session will be bold, aggressive or transformational.

Editorial: The only way forward in Israel


The New York Times

Norman Knight: A bump in the road to Christmas


It was the next day after Halloween when Granddaughter Adelaide excitedly exclaimed, “Christmas is almost here!” In her 11-year-old mind the matter was settled, no argument.

Ryan Trares: Advent of a tradition


Every morning brings a new surprise.

Editorial: Clear path needed on marijuana issue


(Jeffersonville) News and Tribune

David Carlson: Life in balance


If you have been paying attention to collegiate sports, you will undoubtedly notice that more and more athletes are competing for their second and sometimes third college or university. Being curious about this trend, I opened the NCAA site that lists the guidelines for transferring and eligibility.

Editorial: Different approach needed for teens and vaping


Anderson Herald Bulletin

Brian Howey: Lawmakers out of sync with voters; does it matter?


While politics may have been a strictly forbidden topic at some family Thanksgiving tables, others will have hosted discussions on whether a loved one should launch a campaign for the General Assembly. The filing process for primary elections begins on Jan. 10 and ends at noon (Indianapolis time) Feb. 9.