Home Opinion Page 48


John Krull: Lessons my mother taught me


The meetings confused me, but my mother insisted I come along with her.

Niki Kelly: Holcomb makes water moves but will it be enough?


The feud over water is heating up, and Gov. Eric Holcomb this week tried to tamp it down by shifting a water supply study from the Indiana Economic Development Authority to the Indiana Finance Authority.

Editorial: Corruption is the elephant in the Statehouse


The (Columbus) Republic

Norman Knight: Turkey at the beach


One of the things I most looked forward about retirement was the ability to take trips throughout the year.

Ryan Trares: Unbe-leaf-able


Who knew yard work could be so much fun?

Sen. Young provides a timely lesson on virtue


The (Columbus) Republic

Bud Herron: Cherishing memories that linger, thankfully


Thanksgiving once meant a day at my Grandma Hamner’s house on Elm Street in Hope.

David Carlson: As real as it gets


It is always rewarding when people tell me that they’ve enjoyed reading one of my books. We authors hope that what we’ve written informs and entertains, but there’s nothing like a supportive comment from readers to encourage us to continue writing.

Peggy Mayfield: It’s a republic, if you can keep it


Now that the municipal elections are behind us, rest assured the 2024 campaigns will begin in earnest.