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Peggy Mayfield: It’s a republic, if you can keep it


Now that the municipal elections are behind us, rest assured the 2024 campaigns will begin in earnest.

Dr. Richard Feldman: Mushrooms a magic cure for depression?


“Magic mushrooms” for the treatment of resistant depression and anxiety? Really?

Editorial: Columbus election was positively refreshing


The (Columbus) Republic

Michael Hicks: Defend democracies on this Veteran’s Day


On a beautiful winter dawn three decades ago, I found myself in one of the more dreadful battlefields scenes of the 20th century—the road out of Basra, Iraq. We fought there the night before, against an enemy I didn’t hate, in a land I didn’t care about, rich in a commodity that didn’t matter to me.

John Krull: Voters send a message


If Election Day 2023 demonstrated anything, it is that abortion won’t go away as an issue any time soon.

Niki Kelly: Ballot initiatives coming to Indiana? No chance.


The biggest news from Tuesday night’s elections was Ohio’s passage of two ballot initiatives: one legalizing recreational cannabis and another enshrining a right to abortion access into the constitution.

Editorial: A five-alarm Biden re-election fire


The Wall Street Journal

Norman Knight: Taking a morning constitutional


Because of the recent time shift the morning light is just peeking through the trees when Becky and I, along with our dog Luna, head out for our morning constitutional.