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Lee Hamilton: The U.S. will elect a woman president


Claudia Sheinbaum made history this month when she became the first woman elected president of Mexico. What will it take for a woman to become president of the United States?

Michael Hicks: Some good reasons for partisan perceptions on economy


Several readers objected to my recent column about economic illiteracy colliding with feelings about today’s booming economy. I was tempted to quote a pithy bumper sticker about the relevance of feelings, but this is a family publication.

Julia Vaughn: Better ways to improve voting than police at the polls


Secretary of State Diego Morales’ recent mailing on the topic of election interference was not just wasteful (according to the Indiana Capital Chronicle, the office blew $35,000 in federal grant money to mail information readily available online to 600 people). It was yet another example of Indiana elected officials taking our state in the wrong direction on voting issues.

John Krull: Banks, Lugar and the distance we’ve traveled


U.S. Rep. Jim Banks, R-Indiana, wants a seat in the U.S. Senate.

Niki Kelly: What is an Indiana Republican now?


Following Micah Beckwith’s surprising lieutenant governor nomination and Jim Bopp’s startling assessment of how it impacts the governor’s race, I have seen a lot of shade thrown about establishment Republicans and RINO’s.

Norman Knight: Postcards from above


Pastor Roy is away on vacation, and some of our congregation are filling in.

Ryan Trares: I’m feeling hot, hot, hot


Stepping outside felt like walking into a blast furnace.

Brian Howey: McCormick makes Amanda the new face on abortion


On dozens of billboards across Indiana, Right to Life urges folks to “love them both” when it comes to a mother and a fetus. During his recent Republican gubernatorial campaign, former attorney general Curtis Hill frequently recounted how he brought more than 2,000 aborted fetuses discovered in Illinois home for a proper burial.

David Carlson: Listen up


Before I spoke at a church last weekend, an elderly man on a walker approached me for a short conversation. Learning that I would be talking about interviews that I had conducted for a book, this 96-year-old shared some of his stories — beginning with his experiences in the Great Depression.

Dr. Richard Feldman: US poised to clear the haze on marijuana’s benefits, risks


For years the medical and public health communities have awaited the long-overdue federal Controlled Substances Act reclassification of marijuana to characterize it more accurately.