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Norman Knight: Taking a morning constitutional


Because of the recent time shift the morning light is just peeking through the trees when Becky and I, along with our dog Luna, head out for our morning constitutional.

Ryan Trares: Booking it to the fair


A treasure trove of adventure waited behind the doors.

David Carlson: Building bridges


Whenever I am asked to speak to a group, my favorite part is the question-and-answer time that follows my remarks. That is when I, the speaker, become the listener, and I always learn something. This was my experience last week when I spoke on the joy of writing to residents of Compass Park.

Bud Herron: Turns out we’re missing our tea time


If you live in town and your house is more than 75 years old, chances are you have a front porch with a sidewalk in front of it.

Editorial: Lawmakers fail on reforming marijuana laws


The (Columbus) Republic

JCPL Column: Roadmap for an easy Thanksgiving


Stress less this Thanksgiving, and let the Johnson County Public Library help you easily navigate the holiday.

Abdul-Hakim Shabazz: A few cures for ‘electile dysfunction’


While a lot of folks — well, probably not a lot, let’s say 25 to 30% of the eligible voters in Indiana — are paying attention to local municipal elections, it’s never too early to talk about 2024.

Michael Hicks: Municipal elections critical to your prosperity


This week is municipal elections in Indiana. That means mayors and city councils are campaigning furiously over the next days. I don’t live in a city, so I don’t get to vote in municipal elections. But local government is perhaps the most important determinant of our economic well-being, and our quality of life, so deserves special attention.