Home Opinion Page 54


Norman Knight: Celebrating Dog-Day


I told myself it was possible the intentions of the universe were being channeled through our next-door neighbor Kelly.

Ryan Trares: Inspiration from BOO! Cat


Writing this column has become one of the highlights of my week.

Editorial: Cybersecurity dangers always present


The (Anderson) Herald Bulletin

Bud Herron: Getting loopy just going to the store


Never join a grocery store check-out line containing a woman of advanced age clutching a large, black purse.

Editorial: Tax reform panel must ensure funding to address Hoosiers’ future needs


Republican members of a two-year legislative task force hope conclusions they draw will support elimination of the state income tax, a reduction in Indiana property taxes, or both. But invited guests at the bipartisan panel’s most recent hearing encouraged lawmakers to put a more extensive focus on the property tax system to avoid future short-term budget shortfalls or protracted structural deficits.

Dr. Richard Feldman: Science behind near-death experiences


“Near-death” experiences have been reported for many years, especially with the advent of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Experiences of being brought back to life are reported universally throughout the world among people of different cultural and religious backgrounds.

Mary Kooi: Small and mighty ripple effect


Most of us have seen the ripples of a stone dropped in a pond. Like the stone, our actions and thoughts create subtle and profound ripples that extend far beyond our initial intent.

We must address rising school absenteeism


The (Columbus) Republic

Michael Hicks: An exogenous economic shock from Hamas


A good rule of thumb for economists is to caveat any projection with the statement that an ‘exogenous shock’ could upend any rosy forecast. A war in the Middle East is an exogenous shock, and we should steel ourselves to the possibility of international affairs pushing the U.S. into recession. In this column, I’ll explain how this could happen, why I don’t think it will, and where I’m most likely to be mistaken.