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David Carlson: Seeing the bigger picture


I admit it. I’m a political junkie. Before politics, my passion was history. The connection between history and politics makes sense especially if a person defines politics as history unfolding.

Michael Leppert: Parent to the Legislature: “Show me where it hurts”


If you are a parent, I’m sure you have had the experience of seeing your child laying on the ground crying hysterically over what appears to be nothing. “Show me where it hurts,” is often the command that most effectively breaks through the noise. Amazingly, more often than not, nothing hurts at all.

Larry DeBoer: Solar energy projects and property taxes in Indiana


Utilities are building a lot of solar energy projects in Indiana. Fields of solar panels will become a common part of our landscape. This may help avert some consequences of climate change on the planet. But what are the local consequences?

Luke Bosso: Quality broadband access needed now for future growth


“People in Indiana may want Netflix, but do they need it?” That question was offered during a 2018 discussion on the expansion of broadband across Indiana. While I wholeheartedly disagreed with the statement at the time, it wasn’t surprising. But can you imagine making that comment today?

JCPL Column: Meet local authors at the library


Many of us aspire to write a book someday, and lucky for you, some of your neighbors have made that dream a reality.

Norman Knight: Retired teachers just wanna have fun


One of the delightful small gifts of retirement—and there are many—is to run into former colleagues from back in the workday.

Michael Hicks: Subsidizing builders fixes the wrong housing problem


Indiana is wrestling with a housing problem.

John Krull: Look at what the students did


College students can do amazing things.

Niki Kelly: Allen County racial tensions should inform anti-CRT debate


In one corner of the state, Fort Wayne education officials are coming face to face with the very real tensions around race — fighting to make sure all students feel safe and protected. But in Indianapolis — cloistered in the grand Statehouse — lawmakers are trying to legislate these uncomfortable conversations and sweep them under the rug.

Dick Wolfsie: Two wrongs make a column funnier


Mary Ellen and I just returned from a wonderful Caribbean cruise.