Paid in full? Biden, GOP struggle over infrastructure costs

WASHINGTON — Congressional negotiators and the White House appear open to striking a roughly $1 trillion deal on infrastructure. But they are struggling with...

Paying fortifies ransomware gangs but scant support for bans

BOSTON — If your business falls victim to ransomware and you want simple advice on whether to pay the criminals, don't expect much help...

High court: Congress erred in patent dispute board setup

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Monday ruled that Congress erred when it set up a board to oversee patent disputes by failing to...

Hit by a ransomware attack? Your payment may be deductible

WASHINGTON — For Sat PMs As ransomware attacks surge, the FBI...

Democrats see springboard for health care in high court win

WASHINGTON — With the Affordable Care Act now secure in the framework of the nation's health care programs, Democrats are eager to leap above...

AP FACT CHECK: Putin’s twisted tale on rival; Biden GOP jab

WASHINGTON — Russian President Vladimir Putin faulted his imprisoned political rival for leaving Russia without legal permission, omitting the vital detail that the departure...

Back home: Biden has daunting to-do list after European tour

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden is facing a formidable to-do list now that he’s back from his summit-filled trip to Europe, with pressing legislative...

GOP needs new health care target; ‘Obamacare’ survives again

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court's latest rejection of a Republican effort to dismantle “Obamacare” signals anew that the GOP must look beyond repealing...

Senator: Military justice changes must go beyond sex cases

WASHINGTON — Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand is on the brink of success in her yearslong campaign to get sexual assault cases removed from the military...

Las Vegas weighs tying growth to conservation amid drought

CARSON CITY, Nev. — Record-breaking heat and historic drought in the U.S. West are doing little to discourage cities from planning to welcome millions...