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Tag: Alternative and sustainable energy

Jobs are make-or-break argument for Biden in climate plan

WASHINGTON — The White House is bringing out the billionaires, the CEOs and the union executives Friday to help sell President Joe Biden's climate-friendly...

America’s gas-fueled vehicles imperil Biden’s climate goals

DETROIT — For President Joe Biden to reach his ambitious goal of slashing America’s greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030, huge reductions would...

Honda to phase out gas-powered cars by 2040 in N. America

NEW YORK — Japanese automaker Honda said Friday that it plans to phase out all of its gasoline-powered vehicles in North America by 2040,...

Biden working group targets jobs for fossil fuel communities

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Six large regions nationwide that have economies reliant on fossil fuels have been targeted for federal investment and aid to create...

Jobs are make-or-break argument for Biden in climate plan

<p>WASHINGTON &mdash; The White House is bringing out the billionaires, the CEOs and the union executives Friday to help sell President Joe Biden's climate-friendly...

Behind production of a top-selling bourbon, push to go green

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — The process of making fine whiskey involves aging spirits to a golden brown, but a bourbon producing giant is going green...

Behind production of a top-selling bourbon, push to go green

<p>LOUISVILLE, Ky. &mdash; The process of making fine whiskey involves aging spirits to a golden brown, but a bourbon producing giant is going green...

Mexican president wants work visas, citizenship for farmers

MEXICO CITY — Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said Monday he will ask U.S. President Joe Biden to give work visas to Mexican...

Kosovar biologist calls newly found insect after coronavirus

PRISTINA, Kosovo — Kosovar biologist Halil Ibrahimi believes the pandemic restrictions haven't all been bad — as a result of them, he completed his...

Reports: UK to toughen climate target before Biden summit

LONDON — The U.K. government will set itself a more ambitious climate target, pledging to reduce carbon emissions by three-quarters of their 1990 levels...