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Tag: Animation and comics

Pixar’s ‘Soul’ wins best animated feature Academy Award

LOS ANGELES — Pixar’s “Soul” has won the Oscar for best animated feature. ...

Pixar’s ‘Soul’ wins best animated feature Academy Award

<p>LOS ANGELES &mdash; Pixar’s “Soul” has won the Oscar for best animated feature.</p> ...

‘Mortal Kombat,’ ‘Demon Slayer’ lead improving box office

<p>NEW YORK &mdash; The weekend at movie theaters featured something not seen for a while: a genuine box-office battle. </p> ...

‘Mortal Kombat,’ ‘Demon Slayer’ lead improving box office

NEW YORK — The weekend at movie theaters featured something not seen for a while: a genuine box-office battle. ...

Is it finally game on for video game adaptations?

<p>NEW YORK &mdash; Is there a more woebegone movie genre than the video game adaptation? This is the pantheon of “Max Payne,” “Wing Commander”...

Is it finally game on for video game adaptations?

NEW YORK — Is there a more woebegone movie genre than the video game adaptation? This is the pantheon of “Max Payne,” “Wing Commander”...

Oscar predictions: Can anything beat ‘Nomadland’?

<p>Ahead of Sunday’s 93rd <a href="https://apnews.com/hub/academy-awards">Academy Awards</a>, Associated Press Film Writers Jake Coyle and Lindsey Bahr share their predictions for a ceremony that is...

Oscar predictions: Can anything beat ‘Nomadland’?

Ahead of Sunday’s 93rd Academy Awards, Associated Press Film Writers Jake Coyle and Lindsey Bahr share their predictions for a ceremony that is forging...

How an Irish town became home for an animation powerhouse

<p>NEW YORK &mdash; The medieval town of Kilkenny in the southeast of Ireland is an unlikely home for a perennial Oscar contender. But there,...

How an Irish town became home for an animation powerhouse

NEW YORK — The medieval town of Kilkenny in the southeast of Ireland is an unlikely home for a perennial Oscar contender. But there,...