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Tag: Armed forces

US Navy dismisses Pearl Harbor-based ship’s commander

HONOLULU — The Navy said it relieved the commander of a Pearl Harbor-based destroyer after losing confidence in her leadership. ...

UN chief: Sudan-South Sudan dispute will keep UN in Abyei

UNITED NATIONS — U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has informed the Security Council that he couldn’t provide options to reduce and terminate the nearly 3,700-strong...

ACLU border checkpoint lawsuit to proceed

CONCORD, N.H. — A federal judge is allowing a lawsuit challenging the use of checkpoints by the U.S. Border Patrol nearly 100 miles from...

US to keep migrant families in hotels as amid rush for space

Migrant families will be held at hotels in the Phoenix area in response to a growing number of people crossing the U.S.-Mexico border, authorities...

US Navy dismisses Pearl Harbor-based ship’s commander

<p>HONOLULU &mdash; The Navy said it relieved the commander of a Pearl Harbor-based destroyer after losing confidence in her leadership. </p> ...

UN chief: Sudan-South Sudan dispute will keep UN in Abyei

<p>UNITED NATIONS &mdash; U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has informed the Security Council that he couldn’t provide options to reduce and terminate the nearly 3,700-strong...

ACLU border checkpoint lawsuit to proceed

<p>CONCORD, N.H. &mdash; A federal judge is allowing a lawsuit challenging the use of checkpoints by the U.S. Border Patrol nearly 100 miles from...

US to keep migrant families in hotels as amid rush for space

<p>Migrant families will be held at hotels in the Phoenix area in response to a <a href="https://apnews.com/article/is-us-mexico-border-in-crisis-explained-6a412f3edf07715509e3181b8bc63ca7">growing number of people</a> crossing the U.S.-Mexico border,...

EXPLAINER: Is the US border with Mexico in crisis?

<p> <a href="https://apnews.com/article/joe-biden-coronavirus-pandemic-immigration-central-america-united-states-cfc974a2358e926438e8a8f24bd642b6">Nearly 19,000 children traveling alone were stopped...

Texas church gunman likely planned mass shooting for months

<p>SUTHERLAND SPRINGS, Texas &mdash; The man who killed more than two dozen people at a Texas church in 2017 appeared to have been planning...