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Tag: Armed forces

Army under fire from Congress over Fort Hood response

<p>WASHINGTON &mdash; Lawmakers expressed frustration Tuesday with how slowly improvements are being made to criminal investigation at Fort Hood, Texas, where rates of violent...

Israel unveils guided mortar system for future urban warfare

JERUSALEM — The Israeli Defense Ministry on Sunday said it has completed development of a new guided mortar system, giving the army a formidable...

Israel unveils guided mortar system for future urban warfare

<p>JERUSALEM &mdash; The Israeli Defense Ministry on Sunday said it has completed development of a new guided mortar system, giving the army a formidable...

UN increases Central African Republic force by nearly 3,700

UNITED NATIONS — The U.N. Security Council approved an increase of nearly 3,700 military and police to the U.N. peacekeeping force in Central African...

Children packed into Border Patrol tent for days on end

HOUSTON — Hundreds of immigrant children and teenagers have been detained at a Border Patrol tent facility in packed conditions, with some sleeping on...

More than 1,000 Guard troops now leaving DC; others stay on

WASHINGTON — More than 1,000 National Guard members will be leaving Washington, D.C. over the next few days, but several thousand others will stay...

UN urges foreign troops and mercenaries to leave Libya

UNITED NATIONS — The U.N. Security Council on Friday urged countries with troops and mercenaries in Libya to withdraw them “without delay” as demanded...

Stay or go? Fence, Guard pose Capitol security questions

WASHINGTON — Nobody, it seems, wants to keep the security fence around the U.S. Capitol anymore — except the police who fought off the...

Stay or go? Fence, Guard pose Capitol security questions

<p>WASHINGTON &mdash; Nobody, it seems, wants to keep the security fence around the U.S. Capitol anymore — except the police who fought off the...

More than 1,000 Guard troops now leaving DC; others stay on

<p>WASHINGTON &mdash; More than 1,000 National Guard members will be leaving Washington, D.C. over the next few days, but several thousand others will stay...