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Tag: Arrests

UN official slams Ethiopia’s arrests of displaced in Tigray

JOHANNESBURG — A U.N. official has condemned the arrests of scores of people displaced by the ongoing Tigray conflict, where fighting continues between the...

Romanian accused of credit card skimming arrested in Mexico

MEXICO CITY — A Romanian man accused of running a massive credit card skimming operation in the resort of Cancún was taken into custody...

Belarusians who fled crackdown fearful after diverted flight

VILNIUS, Lithuania — Viachka Krasulin said he was arrested and brutally beaten all over his body by police in Belarus for attending a rally...

Ex-official in Bolivia charged for bribes in tear gas deal

MIAMI — Bolivia's former interior minister has has been arrested in the U.S. for allegedly taking part of $602,000 in kickbacks from Florida-based businessmen...

Justice Dept. refocuses long-standing anti-violence program

WASHINGTON — The Justice Department is refocusing a long-standing violent crime initiative amid a string of violence and mass shootings across the U.S. that...

La. governor criticizes police in deadly arrest of Black man

NEW ORLEANS — Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards on Tuesday denounced the deadly 2019 arrest of Ronald Greene as “regrettable," criticizing the state troopers...

AP Investigation: Myanmar’s junta using bodies to terrorize

Two black pickups speed down an empty city street in Myanmar before coming to a sudden stop. Security forces standing in the back of...

Woman who identified predator in 1953 may finally get reward

Connecticut legislators on Wednesday moved closer to making amends with a Hartford woman who helped in the identification, arrest and conviction of a man...

Key events in arrest, flight of ex-Nissan boss Carlos Ghosn

A timeline of key events that began with Carlos Ghosn’s assignment to Japanese automaker Nissan Motor Co. by its French alliance partner, Renault SA: ...

American on trial in Japan gets support from ex-boss Ghosn

TOKYO — Former Nissan chairman Carlos Ghosn has backed his former colleague American lawyer Greg Kelly’s insistence he is innocent of any wrongdoing. ...