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Tag: Computing and information technology

At El Salvador’s Bitcoin Beach, a glimpse of crypto economy

EL ZONTE, El Salvador — After El Salvador’s congress made the bitcoin legal tender this week, eyes turned to this rural fishing village on...

Google pledges to resolve ad privacy probe with UK watchdog

LONDON — Google has promised to give U.K. regulators a role overseeing its plan to phase out existing ad-tracking technology from its Chrome browser...

McDonald’s latest company to be hit by a data breach

McDonald's has become the latest company to be hit by a data breach after unauthorized activity on its network exposed the personal data of...

Meat company JBS confirms it paid $11M ransom in cyberattack

The world’s largest meat processing company says it paid the equivalent of $11 million to hackers who broken into its computer system late last...

Wray: FBI frowns on ransomware payments despite recent trend

WASHINGTON — The FBI's director told lawmakers Thursday that the bureau discourages ransomware payments to hacking groups even as major companies in the past...

Venus hotter than ever: 3rd new robotic explorer on horizon

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — Venus is hotter than ever, with a third new robotic explorer on the horizon. ...

Have an Echo device? Amazon may help itself to your Wi-Fi

NEW YORK — Do you own an Amazon smart device?...

EU report: Illicit drug sales moved online during lockdowns

MADRID — Illegal drug production on European soil increased during the coronavirus pandemic last year as lockdowns helped move drug sales from streets to...

Fastly blames global internet outage on software bug

LONDON — Fastly, the company hit by a major outage that caused many of the world's top websites to go offline briefly this week,...

EXPLAINER: Just how vulnerable is the internet?

BOSTON — An outage at a little-known firm that speeds up access to websites knocked a lot of top internet destinations offline on Tuesday,...