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White House says it will defer to CDC on reopening schools

Facing criticism that President Joe Biden has not acted aggressively enough on reopening schools, the White House on Thursday said it’s aiming for a...

Sign of inequality: US salaries recover even as jobs haven’t

WASHINGTON — In a stark sign of the economic inequality that has marked the pandemic recession and recovery, Americans as a whole are now...

Czechs re-declare state of emergency to keep restrictions

PRAGUE — The Czech government on Sunday re-declared a state of emergency for next two weeks to tackle the coronavirus pandemic in one of...

Indiana Senate votes to override local rental rules ban veto

<p>INDIANAPOLIS &mdash; Republican lawmakers took the first step Monday toward overriding the <a href="https://apnews.com/article/d082d7f89f36f775eedc558f12605355">Indiana governor’s veto of a bill blocking cities</a> from regulating rental...

Timeline: Yemen war began in 2014 when Houthis seized Sanaa

<p>CAIRO &mdash; Yemen’s Houthi rebels on Wednesday targeted an airport in southwestern Saudi Arabia, causing a civilian plane on the tarmac to catch fire....

With roster thinned, BC has turned to walk-on ‘Martians’

<p>BOSTON &mdash; “Martians!” Boston College coach Jim Christian will shout, summoning his scout team to the court. And in they run from the sideline,...

Czechs re-declare state of emergency to keep restrictions

<p>PRAGUE &mdash; The Czech government on Sunday re-declared a state of emergency for next two weeks to tackle the coronavirus pandemic in one of...

Leipzig to host Liverpool in Hungary due to travel curbs

NYON, Switzerland — Leipzig will play Liverpool in Budapest in the Champions League after Germany blocked almost all entry to the country from Britain...

UN: ‘Concerning news’ vaccines may not work against variants

GENEVA — The head of the World Health Organization said Monday the emergence of new COVID-19 variants has raised questions about whether or not...

Draghi nets wide support to lead Italian government, for now

ROME — Former European Central Bank chief Mario Draghi secured pledges of backing from nearly every party represented in the Italian Parliament as he...