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Tag: COVID-19 vaccine rollout

Spain prepares vaccine rollout surge as supplies gather pace

MADRID — Spain is stepping up its vaccination drive, with Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez saying Tuesday that a steep rise in deliveries over coming...

Official: EU agency to confirm AstraZeneca blood clot link

ROME — A top official at the European Medicines Agency said in an interview published Tuesday there is a causal link between AstraZeneca's coronavirus...

France opens giant stadium for vaccinations amid virus surge

PARIS — France sought Tuesday to speed up its vaccine rollout by opening mass vaccination centers across the country, including the Stade de France...

Serbia’s leader chooses Chinese-made vaccine for own shot

<p>BELGRADE, Serbia &mdash; Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic finally rolled up his sleeve for a coronavirus vaccine Tuesday and to encourage his country's increasingly skeptical...

Spain prepares vaccine rollout surge as supplies gather pace

<p>MADRID &mdash; Spain is stepping up its vaccination drive, with Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez saying Tuesday that a steep rise in deliveries over coming...

Official: EU agency to confirm AstraZeneca blood clot link

<p>ROME &mdash; A top official at the European Medicines Agency said in an interview published Tuesday there is a causal link between AstraZeneca's coronavirus...

France opens giant stadium for vaccinations amid virus surge

<p>PARIS &mdash; France sought Tuesday to speed up its vaccine rollout by opening mass vaccination centers across the country, including the Stade de France...

Expats struggle to get vaccines in Kuwait, citizens come 1st

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — In the tiny, oil-rich sheikhdom of Kuwait, the foreigners who power the country's economy, serve its society and make...

Expats struggle to get vaccines in Kuwait, citizens come 1st

<p>DUBAI, United Arab Emirates &mdash; In the tiny, oil-rich sheikhdom of Kuwait, the foreigners who power the country's economy, serve its society and make...

Company at heart of J&J vaccine woes has series of citations

The company at the center of quality problems that led Johnson & Johnson to discard an unknown amount of its coronavirus vaccine has a...