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Tag: Criminal investigations

Belgium shows restored masterpiece but stolen panel rankles

<p>GHENT, Belgium &mdash; Look closely, and one panel of the brilliantly restored lower half of the Ghent Altarpiece still has old varnish, right next...

Michigan attorney general ends campus probe tied to Nassar

LANSING, Mich. — The investigation of Michigan State University's handling of disgraced sports doctor Larry Nassar is over because the university has refused...

Michigan attorney general ends campus probe tied to Nassar

<p>LANSING, Mich. &mdash; The investigation of Michigan State University's handling of disgraced sports doctor <a href="https://apnews.com/hub/larry-nassar"> Larry Nassar</a> is over because the university has...

Snowboarders escaped monster avalanche, but not the law

DENVER — Tyler DeWitt and Evan Hannibal were slowly making their way down a windswept slope during a backcountry snowboarding excursion in Colorado last...

Snowboarders escaped monster avalanche, but not the law

<p>DENVER &mdash; Tyler DeWitt and Evan Hannibal were slowly making their way down a windswept slope during a backcountry snowboarding excursion in Colorado last...

UN, Ethiopia rights agency to conduct joint Tigray probe

KAMPALA, Uganda — The United Nations and an Ethiopian rights agency said on Thursday they had agreed to carry out a joint investigation into...

UN, Ethiopia rights agency to conduct joint Tigray probe

<p>KAMPALA, Uganda &mdash; The United Nations and an Ethiopian rights agency said on Thursday they had agreed to carry out a joint investigation into...

Protest in South Africa over conflict in Ethiopia’s Tigray

JOHANNESBURG — Members of Ethiopia's Tigrayan community in South Africa demonstrated in the capital in a bid to bring international attention to the humanitarian...

Protest in South Africa over conflict in Ethiopia’s Tigray

<p>JOHANNESBURG &mdash; Members of Ethiopia's Tigrayan community in South Africa demonstrated in the capital in a bid to bring international attention to the humanitarian...

Police, FBI on scene at University of Kentucky hospital

LEXINGTON, Ky. — Police and FBI agents were investigating an incident at the the University of Kentucky’s Chandler Hospital emergency room Thursday. ...