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Tag: Diplomacy

Making history: The scramble to document presidents’ summits

If President Joe Biden has any private words with Russia’s Vladimir Putin at their meeting next week, U.S. interpreters and diplomats will be standing...

UK-EU Brexit spat over N Ireland clouds G7 leaders summit

FALMOUTH, England — British Prime Minister Boris Johnson held meetings with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron on Saturday on the...

Russia spars with EU and US at meeting on EU-UN cooperation

UNITED NATIONS — Russia sparred with the European Union and the United States at a U.N. meeting Thursday that highlighted the strained relations between...

Lucky number: Biden is 13th US president set to meet queen

LONDON — Imagine trying to make an impression on someone who’s met, well, almost everyone. ...

Greece willing to back ‘positive’ EU agenda for Turkey

ATHENS, Greece — Greece’s prime minister said Friday that his government is willing to back the European Union’s “positive” agenda for relations with Turkey,...

Israel’s Netanyahu lashes out as end of his era draws near

JERUSALEM — In what appear to be the final days of his historic 12-year rule, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is not leaving the...

Biden embraces a Trump policy in backing Arab-Israeli deals

The Biden administration is laying the groundwork for a renewed push to encourage more Arab countries to sign accords with Israel and working to...

18th-century villa in Geneva park to host Biden-Putin summit

GENEVA — Switzerland’s foreign ministry says an 18th-century manor house in the middle of a public park with lakeside views will host the summit...

The new guy? Biden debuts at democracy’s most exclusive club

WASHINGTON — Angela, Boris, Emmanuel, Justin, Mario, Yoshihide and a relative newcomer: Joe. ...

Biden, Johnson to stress close ties, manage differences

PLYMOUTH, England — Their nations may have a famed “special relationship,” but President Joe Biden and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson will meet for...