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Tag: Energy and the environment

America’s gas-fueled vehicles imperil Biden’s climate goals

<p>DETROIT &mdash; For President Joe Biden to reach his ambitious goal of slashing America’s greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030, huge reductions would...

Honda to phase out gas-powered cars by 2040 in N. America

<p>NEW YORK &mdash; Japanese automaker Honda said Friday that it plans to phase out all of its gasoline-powered vehicles in North America by 2040,...

Biden working group targets jobs for fossil fuel communities

<p>CHARLESTON, W.Va. &mdash; Six large regions nationwide that have economies reliant on fossil fuels have been targeted for federal investment and aid to create...

Jobs are make-or-break argument for Biden in climate plan

WASHINGTON — The White House is bringing out the billionaires, the CEOs and the union executives Friday to help sell President Joe Biden's climate-friendly...

America’s gas-fueled vehicles imperil Biden’s climate goals

DETROIT — For President Joe Biden to reach his ambitious goal of slashing America’s greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030, huge reductions would...

Honda to phase out gas-powered cars by 2040 in N. America

NEW YORK — Japanese automaker Honda said Friday that it plans to phase out all of its gasoline-powered vehicles in North America by 2040,...

Biden working group targets jobs for fossil fuel communities

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Six large regions nationwide that have economies reliant on fossil fuels have been targeted for federal investment and aid to create...

Biden opening summit with ambitious new US climate pledge

<p>WASHINGTON &mdash; President Joe Biden will open a global climate summit with a pledge to cut at least in half the climate-wrecking coal and...

Mexican president pushes controversial reforestation plan

<p>KOPOMA, México &mdash; Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador made a strong push Thursday for his oft-questioned tree-planting program, trying to get the United...

Biden to restore California’s power to set pollution rules

<p>DETROIT &mdash; The U.S. Transportation Department is moving to reverse former President Donald Trump's bid to end California's ability to set its own automobile...