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Tag: Energy industry

Facing critics, Total to minimize oil work in Uganda park

KAMPALA, Uganda — The French oil company Total says it will limit its work to extract oil from a Ugandan national park to less...

LGBTQ rights bill ignites debate over religious liberty

A sweeping bill that would extend federal civil rights protections to LGBTQ people is a top priority of President Joe Biden and Democrats in...

Cyprus, Israel, Greece sign deal on electric cable link

NICOSIA, Cyprus — Plans to connect Israel, Cyprus and Greece with a 2,000 megawatt undersea electricity cable took a key step forward on Monday,...

Escalating violence ups pressure for Myanmar sanctions

<p>BANGKOK &mdash; The escalation of violence in Myanmar as authorities crack down on protests against the Feb. 1 coup is raising pressure for more...

Escalating violence ups pressure for Myanmar sanctions

BANGKOK — The escalation of violence in Myanmar as authorities crack down on protests against the Feb. 1 coup is raising pressure for more...

Mexico Senate passes energy bill favoring state, fossil fuel

<p>MEXICO CITY &mdash; Mexico’s Senate passed an electrical energy bill that favors government-owned generating plants that largely run on fossil fuels Tuesday, putting renewable...

Mexico Senate passes energy bill favoring state, fossil fuel

MEXICO CITY — Mexico’s Senate passed an electrical energy bill that favors government-owned generating plants that largely run on fossil fuels Tuesday, putting renewable...

EU probes Germany’s move to pay for coal plant closures

BERLIN — The European Commission said Tuesday it has opened a probe into whether Germany's plans to compensate owners for the early shutdown of...

AP FACT CHECK: Trump clings to his core election falsehoods

<p>WASHINGTON &mdash; Donald Trump clung to his core election falsehoods in his first post-presidential speech, wrongly blamed wind power for the catastrophic power failures...

AG sues Texas utility over customers’ sky-high energy bills

<p>AUSTIN, Texas &mdash; Texas' attorney general said Monday he's suing electricity provider Griddy for passing along <a href="https://apnews.com/article/texas-high-electric-bills-e8cb3450888464a059e3132b23cb6f5d">massive bills</a> to its customers during last...