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Tag: Epidemics

Pace of spending for pandemic aid? Try $43,000 every second

BALTIMORE — To pay out his coronavirus relief package, President Joe Biden must spend an average of $3.7 billion every day for the rest...

Amid pandemic, ‘an international epidemic’ of childhood pain

PARIS — By the time his parents rushed him to the hospital, 11-year-old Pablo was barely eating and had stopped drinking entirely. Weakened by...

Transcript: President Joe Biden on the coronavirus pandemic

<p>Transcript of President Joe Biden's speech Thursday, March 11, 2021, on the coronavirus pandemic, as provided by CQ:</p> ...

Greece: “Lockdown fatigue” blamed for fueling mass protests

ATHENS, Greece — Faced with a surge in coronavirus infections and a wave of violent anti-government demonstrations, Greece’s center-right prime minister accused political opponents...

Hunt for vaccine slots often leads through scheduling maze

PROVIDENCE, R.I. — The road to a COVID-19 shot often leads through a maze of scheduling systems: Some vaccine seekers spend days or weeks...

Biden aims for quicker shots, ‘independence from this virus’

<p>WASHINGTON &mdash; One year after the nation was brought to a near-standstill by the coronavirus, President Joe Biden pledged in his first prime-time address...

UN says Ebola in Guinea may be linked to 2014 outbreak

GENEVA — A top official at the World Health Organization said that a genetic analysis of the ongoing Ebola outbreak in Guinea suggests it...

COVID-19 deaths falling but Americans ‘must remain vigilant’

NEW YORK — U.S. deaths from COVID-19 are falling again as the nation continues to recover from the devastating winter surge, a trend that...

Sweden royals hold church service for COVID-19 victims

STOCKHOLM — Sweden’s King Carl XVI Gustaf and his wife Queen Silvia held a church ceremony Thursday to honor the victims of the coronavirus. ...

WHO whistleblower who denounced spiked Italy report resigns

ROME — A U.N. epidemiologist who publicly denounced the World Health Organization’s withdrawal of a report on Italy’s coronavirus response has resigned, citing the...