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Tag: Epidemics

One Good Thing: In Kosovo, virus lets humanity shine through

<p>PRISTINA, Kosovo &mdash; Helping her elderly father beat back his coronavirus infection on her own taught Arta Jashari how the power of one can...

Shaken by pandemic, soccer avoids financial collapse

LIVERPOOL, England — Wandering around the concourses of the third tier of Anfield’s main stand provides a glimpse into the past. ...

Africa seeks ‘continental capacity’ to produce vaccines

<p>KAMPALA, Uganda &mdash; As Africa lags in its efforts to vaccinate 60% of its 1.3 billion people as quickly as possible, the continent must...

Brazil Congress clears way for emergency pandemic aid

RIO DE JANEIRO — A measure to renew billions of dollars in emergency aid for millions of Brazilians struggling amid the COVID-19 pandemic passed...

Savannah expects St. Patrick’s crowds, possible virus surge

<p>SAVANNAH, Ga. &mdash; The South's largest St. Patrick's Day parade is canceled, as is the boozy riverside festival that accompanies it. Regardless, Savannah is...

Pace of spending for pandemic aid? Try $43,000 every second

BALTIMORE — To pay out his coronavirus relief package, President Joe Biden must spend an average of $3.7 billion every day for the rest...

Sweden royals hold church service for COVID-19 victims

<p>STOCKHOLM &mdash; Sweden’s King Carl XVI Gustaf and his wife Queen Silvia held a church ceremony Thursday to honor the victims of the coronavirus.</p> ...

WHO whistleblower who denounced spiked Italy report resigns

<p>ROME &mdash; A U.N. epidemiologist who publicly denounced the World Health Organization’s withdrawal of a report on Italy’s coronavirus response has resigned, citing the...

Shaken by pandemic, soccer avoids financial collapse

<p>LIVERPOOL, England &mdash; Wandering around the concourses of the third tier of Anfield’s main stand provides a glimpse into the past.</p> ...

Brazil Congress clears way for emergency pandemic aid

<p>RIO DE JANEIRO &mdash; A measure to renew billions of dollars in emergency aid for millions of Brazilians struggling amid the COVID-19 pandemic passed...