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Tag: Epidemics

A year on, WHO still struggling to manage pandemic response

GENEVA — When the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus a pandemic one year ago Thursday, it did so only after weeks of resisting...

One Good Thing: In Kosovo, virus lets humanity shine through

PRISTINA, Kosovo — Helping her elderly father beat back his coronavirus infection on her own taught Arta Jashari how the power of one can...

Africa seeks ‘continental capacity’ to produce vaccines

KAMPALA, Uganda — As Africa lags in its efforts to vaccinate 60% of its 1.3 billion people as quickly as possible, the continent must...

AP-NORC poll: 1 in 5 in US lost someone close in pandemic

WASHINGTON — About 1 in 5 Americans say they lost a relative or close friend to the coronavirus, highlighting the division between heartache and...

20th anniversary Sept. 11 tributes to include families again

NEW YORK — A year after a disagreement over coronavirus protocols spawned competing Sept. 11 ceremonies in New York, the 20th anniversary of...

Savannah expects St. Patrick’s crowds, possible virus surge

SAVANNAH, Ga. — The South's largest St. Patrick's Day parade is canceled, as is the boozy riverside festival that accompanies it. Regardless, Savannah is...

Expert says origins of pandemic could be known in few years

<p>LONDON &mdash; The global community will find out “fairly soon, within the next few years” what started the coronavirus pandemic, a key member of...

Expert says origins of pandemic could be known in few years

LONDON — The global community will find out “fairly soon, within the next few years” what started the coronavirus pandemic, a key member of...

AP FACT CHECK: Biden admin wrong on vaccine pace, elderly

WASHINGTON — For an administration that prides itself on talking straight about the pandemic, the self-congratulation Wednesday went too far. ...

Gibraltar, a vaccine champion, launches ‘Operation Freedom’

GIBRALTAR — Maskless parents pick up smiling Cinderellas, Harry Potters and hedgehogs from schools that reopened after a two-month hiatus just in time for...