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Tag: European Union

EU mulls visa pressure so African states take back migrants

BRUSSELS — European Union ministers on Monday debated ways to persuade northern African countries to take back migrants denied entry into the 27-nation bloc,...

Top Portugal court nixes euthanasia law, says it’s imprecise

LISBON, Portugal — Portugal’s Constitutional Court on Monday blocked a law passed by parliament introducing euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide for terminally ill and gravely...

Top Portugal court nixes euthanasia law, says it’s imprecise

<p>LISBON, Portugal &mdash; Portugal’s Constitutional Court on Monday blocked a law passed by parliament introducing euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide for terminally ill and gravely...

UN says international diplomacy crucial to end Syria’s war

UNITED NATIONS — The U.N. special envoy for Syria said Monday that international diplomacy is crucial to end Syria’s 10-year war and it’s important...

Germany postpones vaccination summit over AstraZeneca furor

BERLIN — The German government said Tuesday it will postpone a virtual summit on the country's vaccination efforts until after the European Medicines Agency...

UK shifts policy focus toward India and Pacific post Brexit

LONDON — Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Tuesday will unveil plans to shift Britain’s foreign policy focus toward India and the Pacific as the...

Greek, Turkish diplomats hold talks after year of strain

ATHENS, Greece — Senior diplomats from Greece and Turkey are meeting in Athens on Tuesday in an effort to ease long-standing tensions between the...

Watching the watchers: who’s at the helm of EU’s Frontex?

BRUSSELS — The European Union’s border and coast guard agency Frontex, the pride of the 27-nation bloc’s vast effort to keep watch over its...

Coronavirus pandemic casts long shadow over Dutch elections

THE HAGUE, Netherlands — Housing shortages, the environment, health care, education. Dutch voters have plenty of issues to consider in next week's election but...

EU worried by shooting incidents near Turkey-Greece border

<p>BRUSSELS &mdash; The European Union’s top migration official expressed concern Friday about a spike in the number of shooting incidents on the Turkish side...