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Tag: Government business and finance

Infrastructure spending promises boost for industry

Plans to pump money into rebuilding the nation’s roads, bridges and other infrastructure could give companies that make machinery and materials a solid foundation...

Discord over whether to halt South Carolina abortion case

COLUMBIA, S.C. — The parties involved in a lawsuit over South Carolina’s new ban on almost all abortions disagree about how the case should...

Brazil scrambles to help the poor, while they barely hang on

RIO DE JANEIRO — Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro has asked supermarkets to lower prices of staple foods and his economy minister suggested homeless people...

Congress repeals Trump-era regulations on payday lenders

NEW YORK — Congress on Thursday overturned a set of regulations enacted in the final days of the Trump administration that effectively allowed payday...

Alaska faces shutdown threat amid budget, dividend dispute

JUNEAU, Alaska — Alaska faces the prospect of a partial government shutdown next week amid an ongoing fight over how much to pay residents...

Boom in Native American oil complicates Biden climate push

NEW TOWN, N.D. — On oil well pads carved from the wheat fields around Lake Sakakawea, hundreds of pump jacks slowly bob to extract...

From Biden to Congress, Big Tech is under mounting pressure

WASHINGTON — Without speaking a word or scratching a pen across paper, President Joe Biden drove up the pressure on Big Tech companies already...

Can pandemic recovery plan end Italy’s years of stagnation?

MILAN — The COVID-19 pandemic hit Italy especially hard, killing more than 127,000 people and sending the European Union's third-largest economy into a devastating...

States grapple with closing youth detention centers

CONCORD, N.H. — As states from California to Maine consider drastic changes to youth detention centers, New Hampshire is grappling with its own facility...

German Cabinet OKs 2022 budget plan with more new debt

BERLIN — Germany's Cabinet on Wednesday approved plans for a 2022 budget that foresee an increase in new debt as spending on health and...