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Tag: Immigration

Child border crossings surging, straining US facilities

<p>WASHINGTON &mdash; A surge of migrants on the Southwest border has the Biden administration on the defensive, with the head of Homeland Security acknowledging...

EU mulls visa pressure so African states take back migrants

BRUSSELS — European Union ministers on Monday debated ways to persuade northern African countries to take back migrants denied entry into the 27-nation bloc,...

Leading Senate Dem says outlook bleak on immigration bills

WASHINGTON — A leader of Senate Democrats' drive to help millions of immigrants become citizens cast severe doubt on its prospects Monday, as...

Homeland Security chief defends US handling of border surge

WASHINGTON — Faced with a rising number of migrants at the southwest border and criticism from all sides, the Biden administration's head of Homeland...

8 immigrants killed when pickup crashes in Texas border city

AUSTIN, Texas — Eight people in a Dodge pickup truck loaded with immigrants were killed when the vehicle collided with another pickup truck following...

Mexico catches migrants using false UN documents

MEXICO CITY — Authorities in Mexico said Tuesday that 20 migrants were caught at a highway checkpoint using falsified paperwork with letterheads from the...

EU mulls visa pressure so African states take back migrants

<p>BRUSSELS &mdash; European Union ministers on Monday debated ways to persuade northern African countries to take back migrants denied entry into the 27-nation bloc,...

Homeland Security chief defends US handling of border surge

<p>WASHINGTON &mdash; Faced with <a href="https://apnews.com/article/joe-biden-donald-trump-health-coronavirus-pandemic-immigration-a8e541613d08a21669e460a3ff5f76a4">a rising number of migrants at the southwest border</a> and criticism from all sides, the Biden administration's head of...

Mexico catches migrants using false UN documents

<p>MEXICO CITY &mdash; Authorities in Mexico said Tuesday that 20 migrants were caught at a highway checkpoint using falsified paperwork with letterheads from the...

FEMA to help manage unaccompanied minors at US-Mexico border

WILMINGTON, Del. — The Biden administration is turning to the Federal Emergency Management Agency for help managing and caring for record numbers of unaccompanied...