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Tag: Industry regulation

California Democrats again seek to alter recall laws

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Four years ago, California Democrats altered the state’s recall laws in part to slow down the process and try to aid...

CenterPoint seeks OK to convert Indiana power plant to gas

EVANSVILLE, Ind. — A utility that provides electricity to a large portion of southwestern Indiana wants to convert a coal-fired power plant to natural...

Migrant death in Italy spurs farm work ban in hottest hours

ROME — Outdoor farm work under the afternoon sun on particularly hot days has been banned in a southern Italian region following the death...

Congress acts to reinstate methane rules loosened by Trump

WASHINGTON — Congressional Democrats have approved a measure reinstating rules aimed at limiting climate-warming greenhouse gas emissions from oil and gas drilling, a rare...

Judge: Indiana must continue federal unemployment benefits

INDIANAPOLIS — A Marion County judge ordered Friday that Indiana must continue the federal government’s unemployment benefits, putting a temporary stop to Gov. Eric...

Senate OKs bill to certify farm practices limiting emissions

The U.S. Senate has approved a measure intended to encourage greater use of farming and forestry practices that prevent greenhouse gas emissions and remove...

Break them up? 5 ways Congress is trying to rein in Big Tech

WASHINGTON — Groundbreaking legislation is advancing in Congress that would curb the market power of tech giants Facebook, Google, Amazon and Apple and could...

Discord over whether to halt South Carolina abortion case

COLUMBIA, S.C. — The parties involved in a lawsuit over South Carolina’s new ban on almost all abortions disagree about how the case should...

Congress repeals Trump-era regulations on payday lenders

NEW YORK — Congress on Thursday overturned a set of regulations enacted in the final days of the Trump administration that effectively allowed payday...

Alaska faces shutdown threat amid budget, dividend dispute

JUNEAU, Alaska — Alaska faces the prospect of a partial government shutdown next week amid an ongoing fight over how much to pay residents...