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Top US officials weigh North Korea options in talks in Seoul

SEOUL, South Korea — Fresh off a stop in Tokyo, President Joe Biden’s top diplomat and defense chief traveled to South Korea on Wednesday,...

US: Putin approved operations to help Trump against Biden

<p>WASHINGTON &mdash; Russian President Vladimir Putin authorized influence operations to help Donald Trump in last November's presidential election, according to a declassified intelligence assessment...

In war-torn Syria, uprising birthplace seethes 10 years on

BEIRUT — Daraa was an impoverished, neglected provincial city in the farmlands of Syria’s south, an overwhelmingly Sunni Muslim backwater far from the more...

Fire festival incidents kill 10, injure hundreds in Iran

TEHRAN, Iran — Mishaps during an annual fire festival in Iran have left at least 10 people dead and hundreds more injured around the...

In war-torn Syria, uprising birthplace seethes 10 years on

<p>BEIRUT &mdash; Daraa was an impoverished, neglected provincial city in the farmlands of Syria’s south, an overwhelmingly Sunni Muslim backwater far from the more...

UN atomic watchdog confirms details of new Iran centrifuges

BERLIN — The United Nations' nuclear watchdog said Wednesday it has confirmed that Iran has begun operating a cascade of advanced centrifuges at an...

Fire festival incidents kill 10, injure hundreds in Iran

<p>TEHRAN, Iran &mdash; Mishaps during an annual fire festival in Iran have left at least 10 people dead and hundreds more injured around the...

Iran’s final report on Ukraine jet crash blames human error

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — After a yearlong investigation, Iran’s civil aviation agency on Wednesday released its final report on the crash of a...

UN atomic watchdog confirms details of new Iran centrifuges

<p>BERLIN &mdash; The United Nations' nuclear watchdog said Wednesday it has confirmed that Iran has begun operating a cascade of advanced centrifuges at an...

UN says international diplomacy crucial to end Syria’s war

UNITED NATIONS — The U.N. special envoy for Syria said Monday that international diplomacy is crucial to end Syria’s 10-year war and it’s important...