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Group asks justices to ban use of race in college admissions

WASHINGTON — A group claiming Harvard discriminates against Asian American applicants is asking the Supreme Court to ban the consideration of race in college...

Alabama to allow spiritual advisor at inmate’s execution

MONTGOMERY, Ala. — Alabama is amending its lethal injection procedures to allow a condemned inmate to have his spiritual advisor in the execution chamber,...

Ex-congressman ordered to pay $456k for election violations

<p>MIAMI &mdash; A federal judge ordered a former Florida Republican congressman on Tuesday to pay $456,000 for secretly funneling thousands of dollars to a...

Federal judge says California can enforce net neutrality law

<p>SACRAMENTO, Calif. &mdash; A federal judge on Tuesday ruled that California can for the first time enforce its tough net neutrality law, clearing the...

Ex-congressman ordered to pay $456k for election violations

MIAMI — A federal judge ordered a former Florida Republican congressman on Tuesday to pay $456,000 for secretly funneling thousands of dollars to a...

Federal judge says California can enforce net neutrality law

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — A federal judge on Tuesday ruled that California can for the first time enforce its tough net neutrality law, clearing the...

Deaf Costco worker with mumbling manager won’t get award

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — A deaf former employee of a South Florida Costco store won't be collecting $775,000 a federal jury awarded her in...

Lawyer hired by Democratic AG defends Iowa’s GOP governor

IOWA CITY, Iowa — Iowa's Democratic attorney general has installed the Republican governor’s lawyer into a high-level job in which he is aggressively defending...

Haiti’s president: despite coup attempts he backs democracy

<p>UNITED NATIONS &mdash; Haiti’s president blamed powerful oligarchs on Monday for seven attempts in his four-year term to overthrow Haiti’s democratic system, most recently...

Former foreign minister declared preliminary winner in Niger

<p>NIAMEY, Niger &mdash; Niger’s electoral commission said Tuesday that former foreign affairs minister Mohamed Bazoum has been elected president of the West African nation,...