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Tag: Leading economic indicators

EXPLAINER: Why are fears of high inflation getting worse?

<p>WASHINGTON &mdash; Gas prices are rising. Auto prices are soaring. Consumer goods companies are charging more for household basics like <a href="https://apnews.com/article/financial-markets-prices-health-coronavirus-business-7d3b979e1fc8f7c9cde7822131b0e014">toilet paper, peanut...

Top Fed official says Fed far from achieving its goals

WASHINGTON — A top Federal Reserve official says the outlook for the U.S. economy is bright but the recent jobs report is a reminder...

Indiana restoring work-search rule for jobless benefits

INDIANAPOLIS — Indiana residents receiving unemployment benefits will again have to show they are actively searching for work as the governor Tuesday reinstated a...

EXPLAINER: Why are fears of high inflation getting worse?

WASHINGTON — Gas prices are rising. Auto prices are soaring. Consumer goods companies are charging more for household basics like toilet paper, peanut butter...

Top Fed official says Fed far from achieving its goals

<p>WASHINGTON &mdash; A top Federal Reserve official says the outlook for the U.S. economy is bright but the recent jobs report is a reminder...

Indiana restoring work-search rule for jobless benefits

<p>INDIANAPOLIS &mdash; Indiana residents receiving unemployment benefits will again have to show they are actively searching for work as the governor Tuesday reinstated a...

States push jobless from virus recession to return to work

STOWE, Vt. — Eduardo Rovetto is hoping the state of Vermont's reinstated requirement that people who are collecting unemployment benefits must seek work to...

States push jobless from virus recession to return to work

<p>STOWE, Vt. &mdash; Eduardo Rovetto is hoping the state of Vermont's reinstated requirement that people who are collecting unemployment benefits must seek work to...

Job market for new grads: Much hiring but much competition

After a painful year of joblessness, the future has finally brightened for Alycia St. Germain, a 22-year-old college senior at the University of Minnesota. ...

Job market for new grads: Much hiring but much competition

<p>After a painful year of joblessness, the future has finally brightened for Alycia St. Germain, a 22-year-old college senior at the University of Minnesota.</p> ...