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Tag: Legislation

Biden’s $1.9T rescue signed, agenda now a slog in Congress

<p>WASHINGTON &mdash; Tough as it was for Democrats, passing President Joe Biden’s sweeping <a href="https://apnews.com/article/joe-biden-personal-taxes-legislation-coronavirus-pandemic-unemployment-insurance-104c5477a7879abd4117abfea25c30d5">$1.9 trillion COVID-19 rescue </a> package into law was the...

Gig economy shifts: Spain delivery riders are now employees

MADRID — The Spanish government on Thursday announced legislation that classifies food delivery riders as employees of the digital platforms they work for, not...

Copy of Voting Rights Act signed by Lyndon Johnson auctioned

<p>BOSTON &mdash; An official printing of the landmark Voting Rights Act of 1965 signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson has sold for $85,332, according...

Former presidents, first ladies urge Americans to get shots

WASHINGTON — Four former presidents are urging Americans to get vaccinated as soon as COVID-19 doses are available to them, as part of a...

Wurst case: Burglar caught over bite from German’s sausage

BERLIN — German police say they have solved a nine-year-old burglary after DNA found on a half-eaten piece of sausage matched that of a...

House renews push to expand background checks

WASHINGTON — Emboldened by their majorities in the House and Senate, Democrats are making a new push to enact the first major new gun...

Mexican lawmakers advance bill to legalize recreational pot

<p>MEXICO CITY &mdash; Mexico’s lower chamber approved a marijuana legalization bill Wednesday, setting the country on the path to becoming one of the world’s...

Morocco moves toward legalizing medical marijuana

RABAT, Morocco — Morocco’s government on Thursday approved a landmark bill that would legalize nonrecreational uses of marijuana. ...

COVID bill gives states a pathway to reduce maternal deaths

<p>WASHINGTON &mdash; Labor and delivery are thought of as the riskiest times for new mothers, but many women die in the weeks and months...

Colorado bill would allow civil action on past sexual abuse

DENVER — Randy Kady says he was in first grade when his teacher began molesting him during class. ...