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Saudi Arabia executes young Shiite man for violent rebellion

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — Saudi Arabia executed a young man Tuesday who was convicted on charges stemming from his participation in an anti-government...

New Israel government vows change, but not for Palestinians

BEITA, West Bank — Israel's fragile new government has shown little interest in addressing the decades-old conflict with the Palestinians, but it may not...

What They Want: Divergent goals for Biden, Putin at summit

GENEVA — An American president won’t side with Moscow over his own intelligence agencies. There will be no talk of a “reset” in Russian...

Israel braces for unrest ahead of right-wing Jerusalem march

JERUSALEM — Israelis prepared for possible unrest ahead of a planned march by Jewish ultranationalists through east Jerusalem on Tuesday that could ignite Palestinian...

Jared Kushner has book deal, publication expected in 2022

NEW YORK — Jared Kushner, the son-in-law of former President Donald Trump and one of his top advisers during his administration, has a book...

UAE-backed Yemen leader says his troops at island air base

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — A militia leader and nephew of Yemen's late strongman president has acknowledged that his Emirati-backed troops are stationed on...

Iran presidential candidate urges better ties with West

TEHRAN, Iran — A prominent contender in Iran’s presidential election appealed Tuesday for better economic and political relations with the West, his most extensive...

Poll finds dramatic rise in Palestinian support for Hamas

JERUSALEM — A new poll released Tuesday finds a dramatic surge in Palestinian support for Hamas following last month's Gaza war, with around three...

EU sees progress on key obstacles at Iran nuclear talks

VIENNA — A top European diplomat said Tuesday he believes international negotiations with Iran will ultimately succeed in re-imposing limits on its nuclear program,...

Biden at NATO: Ready to talk China, Russia and soothe allies

BRUSSELS — President Joe Biden makes his entrance at a NATO summit aiming to consult European allies on efforts to counter provocative actions by...