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Tag: North Africa

Palestinian leader’s path to elections is fraught with peril

RAMALLAH, West Bank — Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' call for elections has thrown his political future into peril, forcing him to negotiate competing demands...

Tunisians defy police to mark killings of left-wing leaders

<p>TUNIS, Tunisia &mdash; Thousands of Tunisians pushed through a heavy security cordon and marched down the main avenue in their country's capital Saturday to...

Algeria orders investigation into student police abuse claim

ALGIERS, Algeria — In an unprecedent move, the prosecutor's office in the Algerian capital has ordered a preliminary investigation into torture and sexual abuse...

UN urges foreign fighters and mercenaries to leave Libya

UNITED NATIONS — The U.N. Security Council called the establishment of a transitional government in Libya “an important milestone” Tuesday and urged all countries...