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Tag: North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Macron, in swipe at Turkey, says NATO must commit to values

<p>BRUSSELS &mdash; French President Emmanuel Macron said Friday that NATO leaders must make a clear, unequivocal commitment to the military organization’s values and rules...

NATO to continue Afghan troop training after leaving country

BRUSSELS — NATO will continue to train Afghan special forces outside the country after it winds up 18 years of security work in conflict-torn...

US, Russia at odds over military activity in the Arctic

REYKJAVIK. Iceland — The Biden administration is leading a campaign against Russian attempts to assert authority over Arctic shipping and reintroduce a military dimension...

US, Russia at odds over military activity in the Arctic

<p>REYKJAVIK. Iceland &mdash; The Biden administration is leading a campaign against <a href="https://apnews.com/article/arctic-europe-russia-business-technology-b67c5b28d917f03f9340d4a7b4642790">Russian attempts</a> to assert authority over Arctic shipping and reintroduce a military...

US, Russia hold parallel military drills in the Balkans

BELGRADE, Serbia — Serbia and Russia launched joint military exercises near Serbia's capital Thursday as U.S.-led forces held massive drills in neighboring Balkan states...

US, Russia hold parallel military drills in the Balkans

<p>BELGRADE, Serbia &mdash; Serbia and Russia launched joint military exercises near Serbia's capital Thursday as U.S.-led forces held massive drills in neighboring Balkan states...

Russia’s northernmost base projects its power across Arctic

NAGURSKOYE, Russia — During the Cold War, Russia's Nagurskoye airbase was little more than a runway, a weather station and a communications outpost in...

Russia’s northernmost base projects its power across Arctic

<p>NAGURSKOYE, Russia &mdash; During the Cold War, Russia's Nagurskoye airbase was little more than a runway, a weather station and a communications outpost in...

Afghans who helped the US now fear being left behind

KABUL, Afghanistan — For Mon PMs; XMZ501-516; video (blv LON is filing the video); Spotlight ...

Afghans who helped the US now fear being left behind

<p>KABUL, Afghanistan &mdash; For Mon PMs; XMZ501-516; video (blv LON is filing the video); Spotlight</p> ...