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Tag: Oceans

Two pilots, rocket scientist, oceanographer flying SpaceX

<p>CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. &mdash; SpaceX’s third crew has an attack helicopter pilot, a former Air France pilot, a Japanese rocket scientist and an oceanographer.</p> ...

In Biden climate show, watch for cajoling, conflict, pathos

WASHINGTON — It won't rival Netflix for drama, but 40 world leaders will try to save the planet from ever-worsening global warming in a...

Expedition hauls tons of plastic out of remote Hawaii atolls

HONOLULU — A crew returned from the northernmost islands in the Hawaiian archipelago this week with a boatload of marine plastic and abandoned fishing...

In Biden climate show, watch for cajoling, conflict, pathos

<p>WASHINGTON &mdash; It won't rival Netflix for drama, but 40 world leaders will try to save the planet from ever-worsening global warming in <a...

Expedition hauls tons of plastic out of remote Hawaii atolls

<p>HONOLULU &mdash; A crew returned from the northernmost islands in the Hawaiian archipelago this week with a boatload of marine plastic and abandoned fishing...

In Biden climate show, watch for cajoling, conflict, pathos

It won't rival Netflix for drama, but 40 world leaders will try to save the planet from ever worsening global warming in a two-day...

NatGeo’s ‘Secrets of the Whales’ surfaces little-known facts

<p>NEW YORK &mdash; When a killer whale slowly circled back toward wildlife photographer Brian Skerry in the middle of the ocean after discarding the...

NatGeo’s ‘Secrets of the Whales’ surfaces little-known facts

NEW YORK — When a killer whale slowly circled back toward wildlife photographer Brian Skerry in the middle of the ocean after discarding the...

Climate change creates migrants. Biden considers protections

<p>SAN DIEGO &mdash; Ioane Teitiota and his wife fought for years to stay in New Zealand as refugees, arguing that rising sea levels caused...

Report criticizes offshore oil and gas environmental agency

<p>NEW ORLEANS &mdash; The federal agency in charge of offshore oil and gas environmental enforcement doesn’t have a strong inspection program for working pipelines...