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Tag: Oil and gas industry

Germany’s, Poland’s leaders mark 1991 treaty with talks

WARSAW, Poland — The presidents of Germany and Poland on Thursday are expected to discuss the future of the European Union and of its...

Senate GOP hails new Interior deputy as ‘voice of reason’

WASHINGTON — The Senate easily confirmed former Obama administration official Tommy Beaudreau as deputy secretary at the Interior Department on Thursday, a rare bipartisan...

Protests continue at Minnesota Line 3 oil pipeline project

PARK RAPIDS, Minn. — Opponents of the Enbridge Energy Line 3 oil pipeline project in northwestern Minnesota continued their protests this week by...

Foam containing ‘forever chemicals’ used against plant fire

A company hired to help extinguish a fire that gutted a northern Illinois chemical plant this week used foam containing toxic compounds that have...

UN envoy: Study other options to prevent Yemen tanker spill

UNITED NATIONS — The United Nations should keep negotiating with Yemen’s Houthi rebels but also look at other possible options to ensure that an...

Making hot sauce and working to save wetlands

AVERY ISLAND, La. — As storms grow more violent and Louisiana loses more of its coast, the family that makes Tabasco Sauce is fighting...

China says nuclear fuel rods damaged, no radiation leak

BEIJING — A Chinese nuclear power plant near Hong Kong had five broken fuel rods in a reactor but no radioactivity leaked, the government...

Senators press Interior Secretary Haaland on oil lease pause

WASHINGTON — Both Republican and Democratic senators pressed Interior Secretary Deb Haaland for answers Wednesday after a federal court blocked the Biden administration’s suspension...

Average US price of gas rises 2 cents per gallon to $3.13

CAMARILLO, Calif. — The average U.S. price of regular-grade gasoline rose 2 cents to $3.13 per gallon over the past three weeks. ...

Dakota Access foes seek environmental review updates from US

BISMARCK, N.D. — Dakota Access oil pipeline opponents asked a judge Friday to require the pipeline company and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers...