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Tag: Oil and gas transportation

Supreme Court wrestles with New Jersey pipeline case

<p>WASHINGTON &mdash; The Supreme Court on Wednesday wrestled with how to resolve a clash between the state of New Jersey and a pipeline company...

Judge gives Corps 2nd chance to offer oil pipeline opinion

FARGO, N.D. — A federal judge faced with a motion on whether the Dakota Access oil pipeline north of the Standing Rock Indian Reservation...

Judge gives Corps 2nd chance to offer oil pipeline opinion

<p>FARGO, N.D. &mdash; A federal judge faced with a motion on whether the Dakota Access oil pipeline north of the Standing Rock Indian Reservation...

Dispute over Russian pipeline tests Biden’s Europe outreach

WASHINGTON — Pressure is growing on President Joe Biden to take action to prevent the completion of a Russian gas pipeline to Europe that...

Dispute over Russian pipeline tests Biden’s Europe outreach

<p>WASHINGTON &mdash; Pressure is growing on President Joe Biden to take action to prevent the completion of a Russian gas pipeline to Europe that...

SUPREME COURT NOTEBOOK: David faces Goliaths over pipeline

<p>WASHINGTON &mdash; On one side of an upcoming Supreme Court case over a proposed natural gas pipeline in New Jersey are two lawyers with...

SUPREME COURT NOTEBOOK: David faces Goliaths over pipeline

WASHINGTON — On one side of an upcoming Supreme Court case over a proposed natural gas pipeline in New Jersey are two lawyers with...

Michigan agency to include climate in tunnel permit review

<p>TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. &mdash; A Michigan agency delivered a split decision Wednesday in a high-stakes battle over a pipeline that carries oil beneath a...

Michigan agency to include climate in tunnel permit review

TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. — A Michigan agency delivered a split decision Wednesday in a high-stakes battle over a pipeline that carries oil beneath a...

Merkel defends German/Russian pipeline construction

<p>BERLIN &mdash; German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Tuesday defended her country's ongoing cooperation with Russia on the building of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline...