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Tag: Palestinian territories

Escalating Mideast violence bears hallmarks of 2014 Gaza war

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — Rockets streamed out of Gaza and Israel pounded the territory with airstrikes early Wednesday as the most severe outbreak...

As ethnic violence rocks Israel, Arabs cite deep grievances

JERUSALEM — As rockets from Gaza streaked overhead, Arabs and Jews fought each other on the streets below and rioters torched vehicles, a restaurant...

Gaza teeters on the brink as fighting with Israel escalates

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — Screams and flying debris enveloped Umm Majed al-Rayyes as explosions hurled her from her bed in Gaza City. Groping...

The 3 biggest US airlines are suspending flights to Israel

American Airlines, United Airlines and Delta Air Lines have suspended flights to Israel through Thursday amid rising violence in the conflict between Israel...

Russia pushes for ‘Quartet’ meeting on Mideast conflict

MOSCOW — Russia called Wednesday for a quick meeting of international mediators to help defuse the spiraling Israeli-Palestinian conflict. ...

Analysis: Violence upends Biden’s Israel-Palestinian outlook

<p>WASHINGTON &mdash; The surge in Israeli-Palestinian violence has flummoxed the Biden administration in its first four months as it attempts to craft a Middle...

Escalating Mideast violence bears hallmarks of 2014 Gaza war

<p>GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip &mdash; Rockets streamed out of Gaza and Israel pounded the territory with airstrikes early Wednesday as the most severe outbreak...

Gaza teeters on the brink as fighting with Israel escalates

<p>GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip &mdash; Screams and flying debris enveloped Umm Majed al-Rayyes as explosions hurled her from her bed in Gaza City. Groping...

Russia pushes for ‘Quartet’ meeting on Mideast conflict

<p>MOSCOW &mdash; Russia called Wednesday for a quick meeting of international mediators to help defuse the spiraling Israeli-Palestinian conflict.</p> ...

The 3 biggest US airlines are suspending flights to Israel

<p>American Airlines, United Airlines and Delta Air Lines have suspended flights to Israel through Thursday <a href="https://apnews.com/article/united-nations-africa-gaza-middle-east-violence-cb885f54369c7f4799aff0d8e421212c"> amid rising violence</a> in the conflict between...