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Tag: Political resignations

Slovak coalition party completes withdrawal from government

<p>BRATISLAVA, Slovakia &mdash; A party in Slovakia’s ruling coalition completed its withdrawal from the government on Thursday amid a political crisis triggered by a...

Slovak coalition party completes withdrawal from government

BRATISLAVA, Slovakia — A party in Slovakia’s ruling coalition completed its withdrawal from the government on Thursday amid a political crisis triggered by a...

More than 50 arrested in Belarus ‘Freedom Day’ protest

<p>KYIV, Ukraine &mdash; Protesters calling for the resignation of Belarus’ authoritarian president marched in small groups Thursday throughout the capital of Minsk, the first...

More than 50 arrested in Belarus ‘Freedom Day’ protest

KYIV, Ukraine — Protesters calling for the resignation of Belarus’ authoritarian president marched in small groups Thursday throughout the capital of Minsk, the first...

EXPLAINER: What’s the background of Senate hopeful Greitens?

ST. LOUIS — Former Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens, who resigned in June 2018 amid a sex scandal, criminal charges and ethics investigations, announced Monday...

Impeachment probe into Gov. Cuomo could take ‘months’

ALBANY, N.Y. — It could take “months” to determine whether Gov. Andrew Cuomo should be impeached after multiple women accused him of sexual misconduct...

EXPLAINER: What’s the background of Senate hopeful Greitens?

<p>ST. LOUIS &mdash; Former Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens, <a href="https://apnews.com/article/2457c44f0ef44394895af26cb0857814">who resigned in June 2018</a> amid a sex scandal, criminal charges and ethics investigations, announced...

Slovak president asks premier to resign as way out of crisis

BRATISLAVA, Slovakia — Slovakia’s president has asked Prime Minister Igor Matovic to step down and clear the way for a Cabinet reshuffle to defuse...

Serbian soccer association president Slavisa Kokeza resigns

BELGRADE, Serbia — The president of the Serbian soccer association resigned Monday after being linked to a fan group accused of murder, kidnapping and...

Head of Slovakia party resigns over crisis around Sputnik V

BRATISLAVA, Slovakia — The leader of one of the parties in Slovakia’s ruling coalition resigned his government post Monday to help open the way...