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Tag: Political resignations

German soccer boss Keller offers to resign after Nazi remark

<p>FRANKFURT, Germany &mdash; German soccer federation president Fritz Keller has signaled he will resign following criticism for comparing a colleague to a Nazi-era judge.</p> ...

Slovakia’s new government wins mandatory confidence vote

BRATISLAVA, Slovakia — The new Slovakian government formed after a secret deal to buy Russia’s Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine triggered a political crisis won...

Iraq’s health minister resigns over Baghdad hospital fire

BAGHDAD — Iraq's health minister resigned Tuesday over a week after a deadly blaze killed dozens of people in a Baghdad hospital for COVID-19...

Slovakia’s new government wins mandatory confidence vote

<p>BRATISLAVA, Slovakia &mdash; The new Slovakian government formed after a secret deal to buy Russia’s Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine triggered a political crisis won...

Iraq’s health minister resigns over Baghdad hospital fire

<p>BAGHDAD &mdash; Iraq's health minister resigned Tuesday over a week after a deadly blaze killed dozens of people in a Baghdad hospital for COVID-19...

BOGOTA, Colombia — Colombia’s finance minister resigned on Monday following five days of protests over a tax reform proposal that left at least 17...

<p>BOGOTA, Colombia &mdash; Colombia’s finance minister resigned on Monday following five days of protests over a tax reform proposal that left at least 17...

German soccer chief Keller urged to resign over Nazi remark

BERLIN — German soccer federation president Fritz Keller is facing calls to resign after comparing one of his vice presidents to infamous Nazi judge...

German soccer chief Keller urged to resign over Nazi remark

<p>BERLIN &mdash; German soccer federation president Fritz Keller is facing calls to resign after comparing one of his vice presidents to infamous Nazi judge...

Belarus Olympian to go on hunger strike as political protest

<p>KYIV, Ukraine &mdash; An Olympic silver medalist who is one of Belarus’ most lauded athletes says he is going on a 10-day hunger strike...