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Tag: Protests and demonstrations

Protesters again demonstrate in quiet Oman over poor economy

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — Dozens of protesters angry over firings and the poor economy of Oman marched through a major city Tuesday, marking...

World hockey body backs Belarus in diplomatic spat over flag

ZURICH — Amid a diplomatic incident over flags at the hockey world championship in Latvia, the governing body of the sport on Tuesday sided...

Schools try pep-rally tactics to get students vaccinated

SAN DIEGO — A growing number of public schools are using mascots, food trucks and prize giveaways to create a pep-rally atmosphere aimed at...

Venezuela asks Spain to extradite leading opposition figure

MADRID — Venezuela has filed a request to get a prominent opposition activist extradited from Spain to complete the remaining 8 years of a...

Iraqi protesters take to streets, decry targeted killings

BAGHDAD — Hundreds of Iraqis took to the streets in Baghdad on Tuesday to protest what they say is the impunity of those behind...

Roadblocks and protests disrupt Colombian city of Cali

CALI, Colombia — The sugar mills that employ tens of thousands of people have ground to a halt. Broken stoplights dangle uselessly over downtown...

Gun-waving charges against Senate candidate’s wife amended

A special prosecutor said Tuesday he has amended the charges against a St. Louis woman who waved a gun at racial injustice protesters last...

Hezbollah leader: Breach of Jerusalem means regional war

BEIRUT — The leader of Lebanon’s militant group Hezbollah said Tuesday any violations of Jerusalem and the sites holy to Muslims and Christians would...

Mississippi’s last abortion clinic at center of US debate

JACKSON, Miss. — The bright pink building in an eclectic neighborhood of Mississippi's capital goes by different names. To the anti-abortion protesters whose demonstrations...

Belarus president signs tough new law on media restrictions

KYIV, Ukraine — The authoritarian president of Belarus on Monday signed a law sharply restricting news media activities and allowing them to be shut...