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Germany to reinstate border controls over virus variant

BERLIN — The German government decided Thursday to temporarily reinstate border controls along its southeastern frontier after designating the Czech Republic and parts of...

Italy won’t open its ski slopes due to virus fears

ROME — The Italian government on Sunday abruptly delayed opening Italy's beloved ski season because a coronavirus variant was detected in a good portion...

Lockdowns weigh on German beer sales, hurt small brewers

<p>COLOGNE, Germany &mdash; Bars have been closed for more than three months, Carnival celebrations are canceled, and it's not clear when things will get...

ECB’s Lagarde: Pandemic continues to threaten economy

FRANKFURT, Germany — The head of the European Central Bank says the winter surge in COVID-19 cases and the emergence of mutated variants of...

Conference tournaments still on schedule despite concerns

Gonzaga's Mark Few isn't being asked the usual question of where his team should be seeded for next month's NCAA Tournament. The Bulldogs remain...

Ghana suspends parliament amid a surge in COVID-19 cases

<p>ACCRA, Ghana &mdash; Ghana’s parliament has been suspended for at least three weeks following a surge in COVID-19 cases among parliament members and staff.</p> ...

Dutch will extend coronavirus curfew until March 3

THE HAGUE, Netherlands — The Dutch government announced Monday it is extending the country's curfew until March 3, declaring that was necessary to slow...

South Africa’s Ramaphosa urges support for vaccination drive

JOHANNESBURG — South African President Cyril Ramaphosa urged support for his government’s efforts to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic as it struggles to implement...

AstraZeneca, German firm to try speeding vaccine delivery

<p>LONDON &mdash; Drugmaker AstraZeneca says it will work with German firm IDT Biologika to increase shipments of its COVID-19 vaccine to the European Union...

UN: ‘Concerning news’ vaccines may not work against variants

GENEVA — The head of the World Health Organization said Monday the emergence of new COVID-19 variants has raised questions about whether or not...