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Tag: Race and ethnicity

Movement for Black Lives opposes George Floyd Justice Act

DETROIT — The Movement for Black Lives is opposing the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, arguing the bill doubles down on reform strategies...

Corporations become unlikely financiers of racial equity

In the months since the police killing of George Floyd sparked a racial reckoning in the United States, American corporations have emerged as an...

Minorities underrepresented in service academy nominations

Minority students are significantly underrepresented when it comes to getting nominations from members of Congress to attend the nation's military service academies, according to...

Cuomo crisis recalls Northam’s; supporters say no comparison

RICHMOND, Va. — The political crisis engulfing New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has triggered a flurry of comparisons to another chief executive who once...

Warnock: GOP voting restrictions resurrect ‘Jim Crow era’

Sen. Raphael Warnock, whose election as Georgia’s first Black senator helped hand control of the chamber to Democrats, used his first floor speech on...

Iowa City to reboot racial truth commission after infighting

IOWA CITY, Iowa — A groundbreaking effort to document and dismantle institutional racism in Iowa’s most liberal city will be paused and relaunched after...

China blasts US ‘evil past of genocide’ at UN rights body

GENEVA — China on Wednesday blasted the United States' human rights record, citing what it called U.S. failures against COVID-19 that cost “hundreds of...

Faith leaders get COVID-19 shot to curb vaccine reluctance

<p>WASHINGTON &mdash; More than two dozen clergy members from the capital region rolled up their sleeves inside the Washington National Cathedral and got vaccinated...

Myanmar protesters don’t relent in face of deadly crackdown

<p>YANGON, Myanmar &mdash; Protesters against the military takeover in Myanmar were not relenting Wednesday as the deadly crackdown on peaceful demonstrations took an increasing...

Collaboration with police divides social workers across US

<p>CHICAGO &mdash; <a href="https://apnews.com/article/f3c3747e6d8c0bd63ba7c57c6d363868">Rayshard Brooks</a> was killed last June when Atlanta police responding to a report of a man asleep in a car blocking...