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New coronavirus variant in New York spurs caution, concern

<p>NEW YORK &mdash; Another mutated version of the coronavirus has popped up in New York City, and experts reacted to the the news with...

Amid COVID-19 pandemic, flu has disappeared in the US

NEW YORK — February is usually the peak of flu season, with doctors' offices and hospitals packed with suffering patients. But not this year. ...

England minorities: Higher COVID-19 cases, fewer vaccinated

LONDON — England’s ethnic minority communities have higher levels of COVID-19 infections and lower levels of vaccine acceptance than other groups, according to a...

Explainer: Mount Etna puts on its latest spectacular show

ROME — Mount Etna, the volcano that towers over eastern Sicily, evokes superlatives. It is Europe’s most active volcano and also the continent’s largest. ...

Mt Etna’s latest eruptions awe even those who study volcanos

<p>ROME &mdash; Mount Etna, Europe’s most active volcano, has awed even seasoned volcanologists in recent days with spectacular spurts of lava lighting up the...

Food fight: Meat-free school meals spark furor in France

<p>LE PECQ, France &mdash; By taking meat off the menu at school canteens, the ecologist mayor of one of France's most famously gastronomic cities...

Mt Etna’s latest eruptions awe even those who study volcanos

ROME — Mount Etna, Europe’s most active volcano, has awed even seasoned volcanologists in recent days with spectacular spurts of lava lighting up the...

Food fight: Meat-free school meals spark furor in France

LE PECQ, France — By taking meat off the menu at school canteens, the ecologist mayor of one of France's most famously gastronomic cities...

Bone cancer survivor to join billionaire on SpaceX flight

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — After beating bone cancer, Hayley Arceneaux figures rocketing into orbit on SpaceX’s first private flight should be a piece of...

Ivey: State welcomes review of Space Command’s proposed home

MONTGOMERY, Ala. — Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey on Monday said she welcomes a federal review of the decision to move the Space Command headquarters...