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Tag: Sexual abuse

Details on local council finances filed in Boy Scouts case

DOVER, Del. — Facing a key bankruptcy court hearing and broad objections from attorneys representing child-sex-abuse victims and insurance companies, attorneys for the Boy...

Lawsuit alleges sexual assault by hockey coach, cover-up

<p>MINNEAPOLIS &mdash; A 1980s University of Minnesota hockey recruit is among five men suing a former Gophers assistant coach and the school as well...

Lawsuit alleges sexual assault by hockey coach, cover-up

MINNEAPOLIS — A 1980s University of Minnesota hockey recruit is among five men suing a former Gophers assistant coach and the school as well...

Diplomats, donors concerned about sex abuse reports at WHO

<p>LONDON &mdash; British, European and American diplomats and donors have voiced serious concerns about how the World Health Organization handled sex abuse allegations involving...

Diplomats, donors concerned about sex abuse reports at WHO

LONDON — British, European and American diplomats and donors have voiced serious concerns about how the World Health Organization handled sex abuse allegations involving...

Anniversary of JP2 attack marked as Poles grapple with abuse

<p>ROME &mdash; The Vatican marked the 40th anniversary of the attempt on the life of St. John Paul II with a Mass on Thursday,...

Anniversary of JP2 attack marked as Poles grapple with abuse

ROME — The Vatican marked the 40th anniversary of the attempt on the life of St. John Paul II with a Mass on Thursday,...

Polish bishop resigns after probe into cover-up allegations

<p>WARSAW, Poland &mdash; Pope Francis has accepted the resignation of a Polish bishop following a Vatican investigation into alleged negligence in addressing cases of...

Report on campus doctor raises flags about iconic coach

<p>ANN ARBOR, Mich. &mdash; A <a href="https://regents.umich.edu/files/meetings/01-01/WH_Anderson_Report.pdf">report</a> about the stunning lack of action at the University of Michigan while a rogue doctor was sexually...

Polish bishop resigns after probe into cover-up allegations

WARSAW, Poland — Pope Francis has accepted the resignation of a Polish bishop following a Vatican investigation into alleged negligence in addressing cases of...