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Venezuelan teen sells drawings on Twitter to buy food

BARQUISIMETO, Venezuela — Samuel Andrés Medina carefully chooses from dozens of colored pencils spread out on his kitchen table, humming a reggaeton song as...

Chile becomes Latin America’s COVID-19 vaccination champion

SANTIAGO, Chile — After being among the world's hardest-hit nations with COVID-19, Chile is now near the top among countries at vaccinating its population...

Spain: Police bust major drug distribution network in Madrid

MADRID — Police in Spain have arrested 12 people and seized about six tons of cocaine in an operation that dismantled what investigators describe...

RIO DE JANEIRO — Rumors and conspiracy theories swirled this past week regarding the whereabouts of Zé Gotinha, the mascot for the nation’s national...

Chile becomes Latin America’s COVID-19 vaccination champion

<p>SANTIAGO, Chile &mdash; After being among the world's hardest-hit nations with COVID-19, Chile is now near the top among countries at vaccinating its population...

Bolivia arrests ex leader in crackdown on opposition

LA PAZ, Bolivia — The conservative interim president who led Bolivia for a year was arrested Saturday as officials of the restored leftist government...

Bolivia arrests ex leader in crackdown on opposition

<p>LA PAZ, Bolivia &mdash; The conservative interim president who led Bolivia for a year was arrested Saturday as officials of the restored leftist government...

Spanish police seize narco-sub being built on southern coast

MADRID — Spanish police announced Friday that they seized a homemade narco-submarine able to carry up to 2 metric tons (2.2 tons) of cargo. ...

Brazil reaches deal for 10 million shots of Russian vaccine

SAO PAULO — Brazil’s federal government said Friday it has reached a deal to purchase 10 million doses of the Russian-made Sputnik V vaccine...

Brazil reaches deal for 10 million shots of Russian vaccine

<p>SAO PAULO &mdash; Brazil’s federal government said Friday it has reached a deal to purchase 10 million doses of the Russian-made Sputnik V vaccine...